Inventory of property

If taking an inventory is obligatory for you in accordance with the current legislation or if you are interested in independent information on existence, status and value of property, as well as in information on financial liabilities of the company, we shall help you:

  • to establish actual existence of fixed assets, tangible property;
  • to establish cash balance in the cash desks, on registration, budget, currency and current accounts;
  • to identify tangible property which is not being used;
  • to assess the storage conditions of tangible property and cash assets as well as the rules of keeping and use of tangible property;
  • to measure real value of tangible property, amounts of receivables and payables (including those where action has expired), and other balance sheet items.

Modern technologies that we use to take an inventory and the vast experience of our professionals shall save you time substantially. By engaging us to take an inventory you will no longer distract your employees for routine work: professional teams shall ensure that all works are performed correctly and on time. We shall analyze the results of inventory as soon as possible and provide you with recommendations with respect to inventory accounting and organization of control for the business of any level.

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